It is the best alternative to home office work
Over 50% of European companies are considering or already carrying out general reorganizations of their employment structure according to Eurostat data.
Many of them are betting on hybrid offices, where it is possible to combine work from the office with work from home. Even before the quarantine and the COVID pandemic, home office is a normal practice for one-twentieth of all employees who work on a computer. A year later, they are already a quarter – several studies prove the unprecedented change in such a short period of time.

But in order for the work to run smoothly, managers also play other strategies, namely the allocation of private offices in the coworking space. This solution is becoming quite popular and here is why.

The beauty of the private office
It consists in the fact that it offers peace and quiet. Personalized, closed and locked, so no one can enter without an invitation. It is a way to make use of investments made in equipment and furniture that would otherwise sit unused.
In a private office, you get all the benefits of coworking: networking, knowledge sharing, professional or casual socializing around the water cooler, but also a secure private area for holding client meetings, confidential conversations or just meditating over a cup of coffee.
Having an oasis that offers privacy in the midst of an active community is a good option for more effective teamwork – you’re at a healthy distance, but still part of the community.
Have a look at the ATRIUM CoWorking private offices: