What is the most correct position of the body, the computer and other work accessories
When you’re standing behind a desk for hours on end, it’s most important to maintain proper posture, otherwise both your work and your health will go to hell. To help you and your joints feel comfortable, we summarize the comfortable body positions and arrangement of work accessories. Read the following rules – your back and neck will thank you!
A lot depends on the chair
Specialists from the Mayo Clinic have specified the best position of the body behind a desk, so that the legs do not go numb, varicose veins and swelling do not occur due to improper posture:
1. When sitting, the knees should be at the same level as the hips, and this depends a lot on the chair you are sitting on.
2. Its height should be adjusted so that the hips are parallel to the floor when the feet are on it. If the feet do not reach the floor, use a footrest, but they should lie flat.
3. In no case do not cross your legs while working, because this position hinders blood circulation and contributes to the fatigue of the lower limbs.
4. It is important that the armrests are set at such a height that allows the shoulders to feel relaxed and there is no tension in the hands.

A keyboard without a mouse?
Here’s how experts from UCLA’s Department of Ergonomics advise you to place the main tools of work so that your hands don’t get tired from work:
1. Pull the keyboard close to you, it should be located directly in front of the body;
2. Adjust the height of the keyboard so that when working with it, the shoulders are relaxed, the elbows form an angle of about 90-100 degrees, and the wrists are straight.
3. The mouse should be as close as possible to the keyboard. The joints and tendons of the working hand suffer a lot from prolonged work with it, so experts advise to master the skill of using the mouse equally well with both the left and right hand. Or learn to do without it, if it is possible for you and if your work allows it.

At arm's length
The computer screen, as a rule, should always be at arm’s length from the person. You are now measuring and you are seeing that it’s not actually true, that you are actually leaned forward, right? It depends on whether your spine will curve, will you have neck and vision problems, so measure again! Here’s what to do according to Mayo doctors:
1. Place the monitor directly in front of you at arm’s length. The top of the screen should be at or slightly below eye level and tilted back slightly.
2. The monitor should be right behind the keyboard and there should not be any glare on it – this is the ideal option so as not to strain your vision. Position it so that it is not directly illuminated by overhead or side lighting.

The things you need most often
Telephone, headphones, document folder, additional computer, notebook, pen and drawing utensils, glasses – everything you need for the work process should be as close as possible to you. The logical advice of the UCLA specialists is often ignored, and this leads to many movements that are not in the “healthy physical activity” column, but they waste time and put unnecessary stress on the muscles and joints.
1. A phone stand next to the computer would help so you don’t have to wonder where the phone is when you need it most.
2. Using headphones or a speaker will minimize movements that strain the wrists – it is important to spare them.
3. Shelves on the nearest wall – you need them to keep documentation nearby and reach it from your desk.