Another proof that the more expensive always turns out cheaper
How the Covid pandemic befriended us with ethical fashion? A very good question! We take the emergency measures imposing isolation differently, but the commonality is that we have learned to live with less, and this applies to everything from touches to income. The pandemic has made us think in a new way about many things, including what we spend our money on, and one of the main things in the home economy is the wardrobe investment.
Before buying something, people increasingly think about whether they need it. The decline in consumption became an unrepealed fact along with reassessments and self-analyses.

We have learned to live with less
There are fewer walks and excursions, fewer occasions for shopping. It turns out that we are less and less willing to pay for fast fashion. Most consumers are looking for out-of-season clothes that will last a long time and are turning their attention to ethical fashion, European industry experts say.
It promotes sustainable consumption and use, and furthermore minimizes the negative impact on the environment. Its focus is on its social and environmental impact, but also on the improvement of working conditions during its creation.
Sustainable fashion is becoming more and more popular globally, but due to the high costs of creating it, forecasts for its growth until last year were not very optimistic. But, as often happens, expectations do not match reality, and we are witnessing yet another proof that the more expensive comes out cheaper.

Awareness is growing
Growing awareness of the adverse effects of the textile industry on the environment encourages customers to choose environmentally friendly materials. Did you know that 20,000 liters of water are needed to produce 1 km of cotton – raw material for cotton fabrics? The creation of the fabric itself requires various chemicals that poison the soil and water.
This is just one example of the damage nature is enduring, and those armed with this knowledge are looking for more sparing materials created through recycling.

Recycling is getting more and more interesting
Like many changes resulting from the pandemic, this one is irreversible. Judging by the fact that not only small indie labels focused on ethics, but also serious players in the fashion market such as H&M, Maison Margiela and Miu Miu have embraced the idea of recycling and are deploying various initiatives for sustainable development.
Whether it’s due to the adoption of a sustainable philosophy or simply a disrupted supply chain, recycling is becoming increasingly interesting for major fashion companies. Many brands will focus on creating entirely new fabrics in the future and the creativity of designers will increase. This trend will probably never go away, which can only make us happy.