Error-free code for DevOcean Solutions’ party at ATRIUM Relax Zone

Developers with Halloween masks for the party in relax zone of ATRIUM

There is no Ctrl-Z in life

If developers know how to work hard, how can they know what party is if all their time is work time? In fact, realising that there is no Ctrl-Z in life, devs are amazingly good in making error-free code for their feasts.

The proof is DevOcean Solutions’ teams – coding is their second nature; they take pride in their work and have fun while doing it. ATRIUM is the place DevOcean Solutions company chose to combine work with leisure – offices, relax area with football table, billiards, dining-corner, and library, brainstorming and meeting rooms, luxury suites with stunning rooftop gardens…

People playing table football at ATRIUM Relax Zone
DevOcean Solutions' Halloween party at ATRIUM Relax Zone

Devs know that walking on water and developing software from a specification are easy if both are frozen.

– DevOceaners

Party moments

Dive into the photo-gallery of DevOcean Solutions’ Halloween party at ATRIUM Relax Zone.


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