The most serious: The brain degrades
The ability to perceive complex and long texts, to analyze what we read, to return to a certain information and to use our imagination are drastically impaired by the constant connection we maintain with the Internet. It continuously loads the brain and it stops functioning properly, in a single word – it degrades.
It doesn’t matter if you keep that connection because your job requires it or if you’re going through the net because of boredom. Brain problems include distraction, memory impairment, and inability to read books. These problems are affecting more and more young people. We automatically attribute them to stress, fatigue, tense work environment and other reasons, but the difficulties deepen. Constant connection to the information field of the Internet leads to an overdose of information, which for the most part is redundant and clogs the brain.
No one denies that mobile communications are something very valuable – you need to call a stranger, warn that you are late for an important meeting, review business or other information that interests you. But these are isolated cases, the rest is an information attack and not only do you not need it, but it also harms you. Here is what this damage means:
We rely on the internet for everything
There are people who rely on the Internet even just to learn how to spread sandwiches (and thry receive various advice from the Internet on this issue). The fact that they do not bother to think about solving simple problems on their own does not bother them. They are happy that through a smartphone they can learn everything in this world at any time of the day. They see this as convenience and feel enriched, but devices that provide non-stop connectivity to information make their owners sluggish and apathetic, and the brain begins to think and analyze more slowly.

We become very distracted
Do you notice when someone with a phone in their hand asks you a question, you start answering them and by the 5th second they have already shifted their attention to the device to look at something else? They have totally disconnected from the conversation, lost the thread because they find it more interesting to communicate with the phone. The speech of such person, when it is not one-syllable, is flooded with filler phrases, it’s difficult for them to find the right words and others find it difficult to understand them.

We can’t concentrate
Most Internet articles indicate the time required to read them at the beginning. This is because a person with a mobile device in hand, whether they are 20 or 50 years old, cannot read texts longer than 3 minutes. Even that is a lot. For this reason, in many sites the text information is quite economical, relies on photo galleries and videos, and the most viewed are no longer than 1 minute and a half. This person looks at the title and subtitle, their gaze stops at the first few paragraphs and… that’s it. They cannot concentrate on a serious analytical text, read fiction, paper books for them are absurd. They simply cannot keep their attention on literature and assimilate what they have read.